
Indiana Personal Injury Lawyer and Medical Malpractice Attorney Blog


Premises liability cases in Indiana can be complicated

Slip-and-fall accidents involve a lot more than slipping on wet floors or tripping on uneven surfaces. What is typically referred to as a slip-and-fall situation is actually a premises liability case, which can be extremely complicated. If you fell on another person or business’s property, an understanding of Indiana law is beneficial…


Indiana premises liability issues can get complicated

When people mention claims involving slip and fall injuries, they are most likely referring to premises liability cases. However, premises liability litigation in Indiana involves much more than simply slipping and falling in a store. When a preventable accident causes personal injuries on the property of another, grounds may exist…


Personal injury cases involve much more than car accidents

When people think about personal injury cases, many automatically think about car accident injuries and ensuring car insurance companies award fair compensation to injured parties. Many people are unaware of other scenarios in which injuries are sustained by innocent victims due to the negligence of others. While the majority of personal…


Syngenta GMO Corn Lawsuits Increasing

The world’s largest crop chemicals company–Switzerland-based Syngenta–is facing a wave of lawsuits arising out of the sale and marketing of a genetically modified (GMO) first generation corn seed called Agrisure Viptera with a corn trait known as MIR162. The claimants are a variety of individuals and businesses seeking damages and…

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