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The reasons a car may hit another from behind can be countless. However, when traffic is already snarled due to car accidents, anyone caught in the traffic back-up may be vulnerable to being involved in a rear-end crash. It appears this kind of scenario led to a car accident on an Indiana highway as traffic was slowed for a tractor-trailer crash earlier in the morning.

The initial tractor-trailer accident occurred around 7:30 a.m. on a Tuesday and resulted in traffic that was limited to one lane and slowed to about 10 miles per hour. A 44-year-old woman headed westbound was caught in the slow moving traffic. She was struck from behind, and it was reported that the car that hit her was going at a higher speed.

The woman sustained internal injuries. She needed to be airlifted from the site of the car accident. The driver who hit her, a 46-year-old man, also needed to be airlifted to a hospital after initially receiving treatment at one medical facility.

Throughout the state of Indiana individuals keep dogs as pets. In many households, they are like members of the family. Despite the high esteem many dogs are given, they can still be dangerous if they attack someone.

People of all ages could be hurt in a dog attack. That said, children are a demographic that are at a high risk for being involved in such an incident. Of the approximate 800,000 dog bites that take place each year, about half involve children who need medical assistance. Each year, between 15 and 20 of these bites to children result in death.

According to the ASPCA there are things that can be done to try to limit the number of these incidents involving children that occur each year.

A collision between any two vehicles on a busy roadway can obviously lead to injuries or worse. When those car accidents involve motorcycles, the drivers and passengers on those motorcycles can be at a greater risk for serious injury or death. A recent collision between a car and a motorcycle on an Indiana roadway led to the death of the motorcyclist and injuries for his passenger.

The accident occurred just after noon on a Sunday. A 44-year-old man and his 32-year-old passenger were hit by a Pontiac. According to reports, the Pontiac driver was about to make a left turn onto another road. Then, that driver apparently pulled back into traffic upon realizing it was the wrong road; this lead to the collision.

The 44-year-old motorcyclist died at the scene of the accident. The passenger was transported to a medical facility by helicopter. The driver who hit the motorcycle suffered cuts on his hands and needed medical treatment also.

When weather conditions make the roadways more treacherous, drivers must use extra caution in order to avoid collisions. Car accidents that do occur when bad weather hits Indiana can prove to be fatal, as was the case recently. A teenage passenger lost her life on a stretch of state highway.

The accident occurred on a Saturday afternoon. An 18-year-old was driving east when the slick and slushy roads led him to lose control of the car. It spun and went across the center line, where it ended up striking a bucket truck.

A 17-year-old passenger in the car died at the scene of the crash. The car driver and the driver of the truck were both treated at a nearby hospital for injuries. There was no specific word as to the nature or seriousness of either driver’s injuries.

When someone gets onto a bus to be transported from one place to another, they are placing their trust in the hands of the person behind the wheel of the vehicle and the company that runs the transportation business. While often that trust is well placed, there are times when their safety is at risk. Members of the men’s and women’s bowling teams for Indiana Tech learned that first hand earlier this month. The tour bus in which they were riding was involved in a crash.

The vehicle drifted into a grassy median, went back onto the interstate before going down an embankment, spinning around and rolling on its side. In addition, to the members of the bowling teams, the bus was transporting coaches and their spouses.

Though the bus was seriously damaged in the incident, miraculously no one was killed in the incident. That said, 21 people were hurt in the crash. The injuries of two of them were described as serious.

When a car and a truck collide, the likelihood of significant property damage and serious personal injuries is substantial. An Indiana roadway was the scene of a car accident involving a semi-truck on Sept. 12. Car accidents of this nature can result in a personal injury lawsuit if injuries are suffered by innocent victims.

The Saturday afternoon crash occurred on Interstate 65 in Clinton County. A car was southbound in the right lane. A semi-truck rear-ended the car.

The car driver suffered head injuries, though further details were not reported. Two other people in the car also had unspecified pain that required medical intervention. All three were transported to an area hospital for treatment. The driver of the truck did not suffer injuries. The Interstate was closed for nearly an hour as the wreckage was removed from the scene of the accident.

A personal injury can happen in many bizarre ways.  As reported by the New York Times, one of the oddest incidents leading to severe injuries and scarring was caused by a group of New York teenagers who thought throwing a frozen turkey at a car seemed like a good idea back in November of 2004.  The frozen turkey struck the driver causing her severe injuries.  Luckily, with the help of a passenger, the car was kept under control and no one else was injured.

There can be little argument that the injured woman was entitled to pursue civil remedies against the negligent teenager who threw the turkey and, likely, his accomplices.  In fact, the story reports that she and her lawyers planned to file a civil suit and that there was a criminal price to pay for the teenagers as well.

May your travels this Thanksgiving be uneventful, but if you are injured by another’s negligence or reckless behavior, know that Barsumian Armiger is only a phone call away for a free consultation about your legal options.

Ignoring or failing to follow basic rules of the road can put anyone nearby at risk. Failure to yield is one source of car accidents on Indiana roadways. Depending on the circumstances, these kinds of car accidents can have devastating consequences for others on the road. One recent car accident in Indiana led to injuries for several, and it appears failure to yield may have been the cause.

The accident occurred as a man drove a truck and failed to yield to a van driven by an 80-year-old man. The truck driver was 81 years old. The vehicles collided and a third vehicle swerved to stay clear of debris that fell off the truck. That third vehicle then hit the van.

Both the truck driver and van driver were taken to a nearby hospital for injuries. While the injuries were reported to be internal injuries, the exact condition of the drivers was unknown. A passenger in the van that was hit was air lifted to a hospital for treatment of injuries. The driver of the third vehicle and his passenger were transported to a hospital also, but did not have injuries which were visible.

When you have been injured in an accident that was the result of negligence on the part of someone else, it is possible that you are dealing with a lot of emotions in addition to anger that the incident occurred in the first place. You probably need medical treatment and may be scared about how the expenses tied to that treatment will be covered. Depending on the circumstances surrounding that injury it is possible that you might be able to recover compensation for those injuries via a personal injury lawsuit.

While this option may be available to those who are injured, not everyone will choose to pursue this course of action. There could be many reasons for this including the fear that those around them will deem them to be “litigious.” If you find that you are experiencing this same fear it is important to squelch it. This is because you have the right to sue after being hurt by the negligence of another.

Working with the right attorney could have an impact on the course of action you ultimately decide upon. A lawyer who understands how the system works and can explain it to you could make the process easier. When successful, securing compensation could have a great impact on your life moving forward.

Many motor vehicle accidents occur in or near Indiana intersections. When these types of car accidents involve motorcycles, those riding on a motorcycle typically suffer the most serious injuries. Recently, a car and motorcycle collided in an intersection in Noblesville. Several people were injured, including the motorcyclist.

The accident happened as a passenger car was headed westbound. That vehicle apparently pulled out in front of a motorcycle that was headed southbound. The collision occurred around 11 p.m. The intersection is regulated by stop signs on one road and none for the other road. The Honda was traveling on the stretch of road that contains the stop signs.

The motorcyclist was taken by ambulance to a nearby medical facility. That individual was reported to be in critical condition. The 18-year-old Honda driver was also transported by ambulance for treatment of injuries. Two passengers needed medical treatment; one was transported for care and another was treated and released at the scene of the accident. Authorities have said they are unable to rule out intoxication as a possible factor in the car accident.

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