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Many residents of Southwestern Indiana are animal lovers and naturally want to pet dogs that they come across. Unfortunately, some dogs bite people, and dog bites can cause severe physical wounds. In many cases, the victims are left with not only physical scars, but the event could cause emotional trauma as well. A sad fact is that children are often the victims of dog attacks. In many cases, dog owners face premises liability claims after such attacks.

During the National Dog Bite Prevention Week last month, it was reported that in excess of 4.5 million people nationwide suffer dog bites every year. In 2014, Indiana was at number 13 on the country’s list of dog attacks per state. During that week, the American Veterinary Medical Association in collaboration with an insurance company educated children and adults about the prevention of dog bite injuries.

The insurance company that was involved in the education project reported that it paid just under $3 million in claims for dog bite injuries in 2014. An Animal Control Officer says a lot can be revealed by the body language of dogs. Dogs with their tails lowered must not be approached. Also, bristled hair on a dog’s back is a sure sign of danger, and such a dog must be avoided.

The aftermath of a truck accident can be devastating, costly and downright frightening for any victim involved. While the first step in dealing with truck accidents on Indiana roadways is to ensure anyone injured gets immediate medical care, there are other matters to consider. Any possible safety violations on the part of the truck driver or the trucker’s employer must be investigated and any evidence of negligence or wrongdoing needs to be preserved.

Issues with the actual truck or load may be the source of a violation. For example, if the truck is loaded improperly or overloaded, it may swerve and cause an accident. The tires and/or brakes could be defective also. This is a significant safety risk that can easily lead to an accident.

The truck may be safe and in line with all standards, yet the driver may be the source of lax safety and the cause of an accident. Driver fatigue is a common source of truck accidents on the roadways. There are very stringent safety regulations regarding truck driver hours and activity, and any violation of these regulations is a significant risk to others.

No two car accidents are the same as the type and size of a vehicle can play a major role in the extent and type of injuries suffered by those involved. Far too often, car accidents involving motorcycles prove to be serious or fatal for the motorcyclists because motorcyclists are more exposed. A bus recently hit a motorcycle in Indiana, and the motorcyclist lost his life in the crash.

The accident occurred as a bus from a camp, filled with campers and counselors, was making a left turn. A motorcycle was traveling south at the same time. The bus hit the motorcycle, and the accident was called in to authorities just after 2 a.m.

The 38-year-old motorcyclist lost his life as a result of the collision. The bus driver and bus occupants were uninjured in the crash. While authorities stated weather may have played a role, possible factors such as alcohol, drugs or speed were being investigated at the time the accident made news. There was also a reconstruction team investigating the accident.

The weather can certainly factor into a car accident. However, when drivers take weather and road hazards into consideration and take proper precautions, travel can be safe in winter or on slick roads. Despite safety precautions, some car accidents can still occur and innocent victims may find their lives upended because of the recklessness or carelessness of others. A recent multi-vehicle accident in Indiana highlights just how devastating this kind of car accident can be.

The police were called to respond to a vehicle accident in the afternoon. There ended up being approximately 40 vehicles involved along a two-mile stretch of the highway. There were over 30 people injured enough to warrant treatment and transportation to local hospitals in the area.

There was a wide range of injuries reported with one of the most severe being a person who needed to be extricated from a vehicle as that person had suffered a broken leg. The roadway was closed down while the accident was cleared by authorities. It opened after 6 p.m. Authorities issued a tip for drivers asking travelers to reduce speed and leave a safe amount of room between vehicles to accommodate for the road and weather conditions.

A car accident caused by one car passing another on the roadway has recently taken lives. The Indiana state police indicate two victims died as a result of the crash. Car accidents caused by one car passing another can lead to injuries or death and completely upend the lives of the victims and the families left behind.

The recent accident on an Indiana roadway happened on a Thursday night. A minivan was headed northbound. The minivan attempted to pass a car in front of it and ended up sideswiping the car. This caused that car to lose control and then roll over.

There were two people ejected from inside of the car that was sideswiped and subsequently rolled over. Both of those occupants died from the injuries they received in the car accident. The driver of the minivan that apparently caused the accident needed medical attention for injuries that were reported to be minor.

When a group of college kids got a flat tire on their vehicle, they pulled over to attend to their disabled vehicle. When they did so, a car accident occurred that left three of them dead. The situation and resulting criminal charges may open the door to a wrongful death claim if the families of the victims in the Indiana crash are inclined to pursue such a legal option.

The accident happened early on a Sunday as the international students were traveling back to their college. The students were outside of the vehicle changing the tire at the time they were hit. Three of the students died and one was injured. The injured student was in critical condition.

The van driver, a 26-year-old man, was injured and treated for minor injuries. He was charged with reckless homicide. He was also charged with OWI resulting in serious bodily injury. He was being held on $300,000 bond.

Semi-trucks traveling down the highway may have a difficult time coming to a stop if those trucks encounter stopped traffic. If truck accidents occur and several vehicles are hit as a result of a large truck not being able to stop in time, injuries can be extensive. An Indiana highway recently became the scene of a truck accident that involved other vehicles and left several injured.

The accident occurred one late afternoon as a semi-truck was headed north. The truck driver said he could not stop in time to avoid traffic that had stopped in front of him. He first hit Pontiac, which spun around and ended up in the emergency lane. The semi-truck then struck a GMC Yukon, pushing it into a ditch, followed by a Nissan sedan, which was pushed into the rear of a Toyota SUV and a box truck. The Nissan ended up being wedged underneath the box truck.

The semi-truck driver was taken to a medical center for a hand injury. The Pontiac driver needed to be transported by helicopter and had head and leg injuries. The Nissan driver was transported to another hospital with internal injuries. Occupants of the other vehicles were either uninjured or suffered only minor injuries. The road was closed down for hours as result of the accident.

Fire department personnel were shocked and dismayed to respond to a recent car accident because the victim was one of their own. An intern with the Indiana fire department was the victim, and he was helping with a tow truck alongside the roadway when the accident occurred. The 20-year-old died of his injuries, which may possibly open the door to a wrongful death case if some percentage of liability can be placed upon the driver who hit the young man.

The young man was outside of a house on a Thursday night where he was trying to help his brother. They were getting a pickup truck off of a tow truck and were on the edge of the driveway. A car came along and hit the man. His brother, who was volunteer firefighter, attempted to save the man, but those attempts proved to be futile.

The man who hit the fire department intern was transported to a hospital for injuries he received in the crash. Investigators have said there is no reason at this point to believe impairment was a cause of the accident. A fire chief speaking about the accident pointed to the narrow roads and high speeds when discussing how this unfortunate turn of events affected one of their own.

A multi-vehicle collision may create chaos on the road, leading to road closures as the scene and damages are assessed. But car accidents that involve vehicle fires can become even more dangerous and urgent for victims and anyone else around. One car accident in Indiana resulted in a road closure for a few hours, and two of the three vehicles caught fire as three people suffered injuries.

The accident happened in the middle of the night as a Ford Explorer was stranded on the shoulder of the road because of a flat tire. A 21-year-old man was sitting in the passenger seat of the Ford when a Dodge Durango came along and hit the Explorer. Then, both vehicles ended up in a lane of traffic, where a third vehicle struck the Explorer. That third vehicle hit a concrete barrier afterwards.

Two of the vehicles caught fire. A police officer on the scene had to break a window of one vehicles to get the doors open. Three people involved were transported to the hospital for injuries suffered in the melee. Everyone involved was wearing seatbelts at the time. The road was closed for about two hours.

A split-second reaction to a minor distraction can quickly lead to a car accident. Car accidents caused by these little distractions, such as a spilled drink, can have devastating results, as was the case recently in Indiana. A woman reacting to a spilled drink caused a bus to overturn and injure several of the bus occupants.

The accident involved a high school basketball team bus as they were heading to a game. A woman sideswiped the bus after the drink spilled on her. This caused the bus to flip over on the highway.

According to reports about the accident, between 16 and 25 people suffered injuries, although it is not known if that number includes the car driver or only accounts for the bus occupants. All of the occupants of the bus were transported to a hospital. The coach of the team needed to be airlifted for treatment for injuries. The portion of the highway where the crash occurred was shut down for hours as police investigated the incident.

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