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Uninsured and Underinsured Automobile Insurance Coverage

Protecting Your Rights to Uninsured and Underinsured Benefits in Indianapolis (Fishers) and Evansville (Newburgh), Indiana

When an automobile insurance company refuses to pay uninsured or underinsured benefits that you are entitled to receive under a policy you have paid for, Barsumian Armiger Injury Lawyers can help you collect what is rightly owed to you. Attorney Todd Barsumian represented automobile insurance companies for more than 10 years and he and Jonathan Armiger have been helping injured individuals and their families in uninsured and underinsured claims for over 10 years. They offer practical, experienced advice in dealing with insurers.

Help When the Automobile Insurance Company Doesn’t Follow Through

When you have reliably paid all the premiums due on your auto policy, you are entitled to expect that the automobile insurer will be there for you when you file a legitimate claim. But policyholders sometimes find that at their time of need — perhaps after an auto accident involving an uninsured or underinsured motorist — their automobile insurance company invokes a policy exclusion to get out of paying or refuses to pay what is fair under the underinsured or uninsured provisions of your automobile policy.

At that point you need an experienced attorney to present your case. After an insurer has decided to decline payment on a policyholder’s claim, it is unlikely to reverse itself when the policyholder objects.

Attorney Todd Barsumian, with his extensive experience representing automobile insurers in these cases, and attorney Jonathan Armiger know the appropriate grounds upon which an auto insurance company can and cannot refuse to pay on a policy claim, and how to persuasively present your claim to your auto insurer. If necessary, they can sue the auto insurer on your behalf in court to obtain the benefits they promised and owe to you.

Barsumian Armiger Injury Lawyers represents clients who have been denied automobile insurance coverage under policies written for uninsured and underinsured claims when your insurer claims:

  • the injuries you suffered as a result of the negligence of an uninsured or underinsured driver pre-existed the crash;
  • you were in the course and scope of your employment and not entitled to coverage under your personal policy, even though your employer disagrees and has denied your worker’s compensation benefits;
  • it did not receive your premium payment in a timely fashion, even though you mailed it timely;
  • the injuries you suffered are not from the crash, but from some other independent or intervening cause;
  • the medical treatment ordered by your health care provider(s) is not reasonable and necessary;
  • the medical bills you tendered are not customary;
  • you were more than 50% at fault for the collision;
  • the at fault party cannot be located, so it is unable to determine whether they were uninsured or underinsured;
  • the amount of money you seek in compensation is greater than the value of the claim;
  • your wages or lost profits cannot be verified based off of the information you provided;
  • your insurance is not the primary policy that is applicable to the incident;
  • your emotional damages are not real or compensable; or
  • you did not provide sufficient notice of your claim or that you failed to notify your insurer in a timely fashion.

Preventing the Problem of Unfair Claims Handling

The best way to handle a declined motor vehicle coverage dispute is to prevent it. If you anticipate that there may be a problem with an automobile insurance claim you are making, consult with an attorney as soon as possible, before events lead the auto insurer to reject the claim. Do not assume your insurance company will treat you fairly.

Barsumian Armiger Injury Lawyers can help see to it that your claim is processed as smoothly and quickly as possible by:

  • Promptly securing evidence and statements of witnesses;
  • Presenting the claim persuasively to the insurer;
  • Dealing with the insurer for you — eliminating the risk that an ambiguous statement by you will be misconstrued as an admission or other error that would compromise your claim;
  • Negotiating with the insurer on your behalf;
  • Gathering medical records;
  • Hiring experts to provide opinion testimony about the party responsible for the crash, the relatedness of your injuries, or the amount of your past and/or future lost wages or profits; and
  • Making the insurer realize that you are willing to take them to court to secure your rights

For a free consultation about your case call Barsumian Armiger Injury Lawyers at (812) 490-0820 or at (317) 644-6975.

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Client Reviews

"My son was involved in a personal injury accident involving multiple parties. We live out of state and Mr. Barsumian graciously accepted the case after the need to change counsel presented itself, thus coming in midway. This cannot be easy for any lawyer. Once this change was made the case became a...

- Shelie

"Todd worked on a personal injury case for my family, walking us through all the legal jargon and process. We were very worried about everything, and his personal style and professionalism helped us through an extremely difficult time. Todd's integrity is beyond reproach."

- Anonymous

"Todd is an amazing attorney and an even better person. He went above and beyond to help us win our case. We had obstacle after obstacle and he never slowed down in working for us! There is no question, if we never needed an attorney again, he will be our go to guy!!"

- Kayla